Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The lake with the funny name, and more...

I figured I'd share a couple of the pictures I was able to take of La Paz and Lake Titicaca while the savages weren't having their way with me.

First, La Paz.  I think it has to be one of the cooler cities I've been to on this adventure (I've found that most of them are more or less the same, so it takes a lot to get a mention).  Ranks up there next to Cape Town and Sydney for beauty.  And, sitting about about 12,000 ft above sea level, it is the world's highest (de facto) capital city.  It is rich in history and fantastic views.  We only had a little bit of time there, but it was worth it for sure.

As you know, I made my way to Lake Titicaca after La Paz.  Unfortunately, it was done while under the weather, so I don't have much to show for it.  But, it being the world's highest navigable lake (lots of qualifiers in this post) means that I can check it off the bucket list. I will say that it felt like being at the ocean.  Which is isn't a feeling I've ever had at a lake before.  So there's that too.

And, I did get to see the full moon on my 6th continent while there.

Say "Hola, Peru!"

The Port at Copacabana, Bolivia

Some Ass...

That's all for now.  I couldn't let a visit to Lake Titicaca go unacknowledged, even if it was less spectacular than I'd hoped for.  At least I'm back at full strength for my friends Jon and Jill arrival tomorrow in Buenos Aires.  Don't worry, Uncle Rick, we'll make sure Jill doesn't get herself into too much trouble.

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