Wednesday, April 10, 2013

LPB in LPB, Vientiane and Don Det

I know I'm a little late on this one, but figured since it was 102 to 106 degrees with high humidity the 4000 Islands/Don Det, I deserved a little leeway.

So we'll rewind in back to the week that was.

Two things that weren't to be in LPB:

1. You were deprived of my April Fool's Day joke, due to too busy of a day and weak internet.
2. A T-shirt gift.  I looked through the Night Markets each night I was there and several shops during the day for a "I Heart LPB" shirt.  I would've bought them for everyone, but sadly, there were none to be found.

It wasn't a total loss, as LPB (yes, I'm going to keep calling it that) was a great place to spend a few days.  The town was super relaxing and had great food.  I spent the days with couple from Australia (though not Aussies) that I met at the border crossing a few days earlier and my two new friends from the Gibbon Experience.

View from the top of LPB at Sunset

And then back to the East...

We took a boat ride up the Mekong to visit a Buddhist Cave temple.

There are over 4000 Buddha statues in these Caves

The aforeblogged "panning" that was going on in the River

Just another few hours lounging in a boat on the Mekong...

We rented motorbikes to go visit, swim and shenanigan (it'll play, right?) at the waterfalls about 40 klicks outside of town.

Miss you guys!

We even saw a (caged) bear!  (So now only the Tiger is left!)

Then it was the MacGyver Bamboo Radiator bus and I parted ways with Mu and Laura at the bus station to spend the day cooking in the sun and walking around to see what I could.

It's no Champs-Élysées, but I did get to say "Hi" to Thailand again to make up for it:

Say 'Hi, Thailand" again!  

Then, skipping ahead, the aforeblogged overnight bus to Don Det, part of the 4000 Islands, and the hottest stop of the trip so far.  I didn't even have to do anything to achieve "Sweaty Parker" Status.

Given that fact, it's a good thing there isn't much to do in Don Det, so spending the day in hammock on my Mekong-view bungalow (only $5.50 USD a night!) was pretty much the go to.   

I did meet another travel buddy to pass the days with BS-ing about whatever and one day we did rent bikes to venture to the Waterfalls and go swimming in the Mekong. 

I've totally Don Det... HA!

It's low water season, so I'm sure the falls are even crazier when the water is really pumping, but it was still quite beautiful...

Despite the mostly hazy skies, we actually got a couple decent sunsets!

Also, I can confirm that Hot Walter is still the same: 

Off to for adventures in Vietnam and Cambodia with my Mom.  T-minus 2 days.  Watch out!

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